a tree and an eagle
we came from different states, different towns, different families, different friends, different. we were strangers on our own roads leading home. when our lives came together it happened so naturally. not complicated or challenging, simply fit. the skeptics were muffled out by our understanding of true love. words not spoken because there is not a language that can translate the connection of souls meant for eternity. no wish, prayer, or wonder came true, answered, or clarified. we were forever. we are forever each others unknown dandelion blown wish, distant land casted prayer, lonely room wonder. i learn each day to love life simply and walk with roots in the soil and rivers flowing through me. my wife is a tree firmly planted. her generational love for god, passed down from the nurturing touch of her father and the sturdiness of her mother allows her to hold fast to truth and allows her spirit to be made new through the river washing. i am an eagle. it is my heritage. i soar even when the world is far below me and the weather is unknown ahead. i perch alone, cautious, tattered, buffeted by life, but fully alive. together we are magnificent. my father gave me the hope to soar even when the storms sit out at sea waiting to engulf life. my mother extended her tender hand to hold when i did not know how to say i need your hand. i am thankful for what our parents have given to us, so that we might be steadfast in our love. she caught my eye one wednesday night in january 1995 and i have been caught up in life with her ever since. a soul intertwined for eternity is not difficult to find. it finds you. i believe we would have been found together without sight, words, or sound. the holy spirit does not have those bounds. we walk in the spirit. walk free. i am completely captured by god and fully embrace his spirit in me. my wife revels in his power. if you observe her, you can see it in her determined gaze, seemingly looking beyond this earth. a gaze to heaven.
we are both walking home. whether the road home is long or short we are walking it together. we have been blessed with sight and touch in this life. eyes to show us what we might have missed, a hands to hold when we do not ask, and a soul to spur us on in spirit. we are everlasting lovers. a tree and an eagle. rooted, soaring, renewed, together.
Aw. Beautiful.