over a hundred years ago
people discovered a magical place
an opening between dense forest
where wild flowers bloom
sand stone slides down slopes
sun warms the earth
moss grows between soil and stone
deer graze unadulterated by man
sifting through trees the gap appears
man named,
"slippery rock"
just two days ago
my family and i came upon a magical place
an opening between dense forest
where wild flowers bloom
sand stone slides down slopes
sun warms the earth
moss grows between soil and stone
deer graze unadulterated by man
sifting through trees the gap appears
man named,
"slippery rock"
moments ago
i recaptured a magical place
my daughters scurried up sand stone
imagination more real than reality
laying against slopes my back was warmed
deer share their space with us
together my wife and i stare at nature
alive in us
our children named it,
is it anything like a slippery slope?